WOFBI REGISTRATION Please prepare your passport and other relevant certificate in image format before filling this form. God bless you. Contact us by filling out the form below. Upload Your Passport*Indicate your tier of enrolment:*Basic Certificate Course (First Timers, New Converts & WOFBI Beginners etcLeadership Certificate Course (BCC is prerequisite for enrolment)Leadership Diploma Course (BCC & LCC are prerequisite for enrolment)Kindly tick the campus of interest and as applicable:*Goshen (BCC, LCC and LDC)Masaka (BCC only)New Karu (BCC only)First Name*Last Name*Other NamesDate of BirthAge*GenderMaleFemalePlease SelectPlace of Birth*State of Origin*Local Government Area*Nationality*Current Contact Address in Full*Telephone No.*Email Address:Marital Status:*MarriedSingleEngagedSeparatedDivorcedWidowWidowerNo. of Children (If applicable)Do you understand English Language?*YesNoCan you write in English?*YesNoWhat Language(s) do you speak?*Splitter1EmploymentAre you Self-employed?*YesNoCurrent Place of Work:*Date of Employment:*Position*Occupation:*Do you have any special skill?*ACADEMIC BACKGROUND (Highest Academic Qualification)Type of SchoolName of InstitutionDate AttendedCertificate ObtainedHave you attended any Bible College or training school for Ministry?*YesNoIf YES, kindly give details below:Name of Bible College:Address:Certificate ObtainedPls. attach photocopies of all your credentialsSplitter2Separator1MEDICAL HISTORY:Any physical defects or health challenge:YesNoIf YES, kindly state defects or health challenge:SPIRITUAL INFORMATION:Date of New Birth:Briefly share your new birth encounter/testimony:Have you been baptized in water by immersion?*YesNoIf YES, when?Have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongue?*LabelIf YES, when?Have you attended Disciples class (Foundation or Believers class)?*YesNoIf YES, when?Which Church?What is/are your reason(s) for wanting to be trained in WOFBI?What is your plan after completing the course?What is your experience in Christian service? (Preaching/Tract distribution/Sunday School Teacher/Music (Choir)Name and Address of your Church:Name, Address & Phone No. of your Pastor:Does your Church/Pastor assume financial responsibility for your school fees*YesNoBy submitting this form, i declare that the information about my person is nothing but the truth. If accepted as a student, I agree to live in harmony with all the objects and standards of the Word of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI) to the glory of God. Submit Error occured. Please confirm your data and submit again: